Causes and effects of violent video games

Although there is no a direct link about playing violent video games and actual aggression in the society, in my opinion, playing violent video games greatly contributes to aggression. There is a relationship between the…


Professor James Tracy Continues to Antagonize Eliezer Pozner

Professor James Tracy presently continues to antagonize me, despite his legal tribulations with FAU surrounding his views on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting and my son Noah’s death. In 2015, an article published…


The Twisted Cruelty Of Sandy Hook Hoaxers by Lenny Pozner

After Adam Lanza brutally murdered 26 women and children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, parents and relatives of the victims still relive the terror of that fateful day along with the daily…


HONR Network Legal Fund Created by Lenny Pozner

The HONR Network believes that decent society should not tolerate those who exploit tragedies and prey on the victims of violent crimes. Americans who’ve lost their loved ones should be allowed to grieve in peace…
